Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Some Cute Moments

I caught the kids doing some funny things today.

Leah, our little monkey, climbed onto the dining table to take one last look at the books waiting to be returned to the library. She really liked Pirates Don't Change Diapers. The baby girl in it makes extreme facial expressions which Leah imitates.

When I went to wake Jadon up from his nap today, I found him sleeping in his closet, in a makeshift nest of blankets and stuffed animals. (I'm pretty sure my brother liked to sleep in his closet when he was little, too.) Before posting this update, I went upstairs to check on Jadon, who I put to bed 2 hours ago, and he was again sleeping in his closet. He's my gentle giant that likes soft, snuggly things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are TOOO cute!! Dale will sometimes sleep in his closet with all his things around him too!