Monday, March 15, 2010

St. Pat's Playdate

I hosted a little St. Patrick's Day party on Saturday morning. Lori, Anita, Angie, and Brenda came over with their kids and us moms talked while the kids played. Then we read a book, made windsocks, ate yummy snacks, and had a scavenger hunt. Not only is this a fun holiday to celebrate with kids, but it's also neat to remember that St. Patrick himself was a missionary to the Irish people and taught them that there is one God who, like the shamrock, is 3 parts, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Here I am helping Jadon make his windsock.

Here's Anita adding clouds to her rainbow cupcakes.

Lori made a fruit rainbow which was completely devoured during snack time. We all loved it!

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