Saturday, August 22, 2009

Discovery Center

Yesterday Krista and I took our kids to the Children's Museum in Clinton, Iowa. It was a spontaneous idea and we went for it, realizing that with school starting, this was going to be one our last good opportunities. It was about 45 minutes from Sterling, but worth the drive. In this huge open space they had different learning/play centers and here you can see some of their favorites.

We caught Leah being an ambulance driver.
Brecken dressed up as a silly clown.
Here's baby Micah (about 2 months old).
Jadon dressed up as Spiderman and kept the costume on the rest of the time we were there.
Jadon is in a tiger phase right now. Throughout the day you can see him prowling around, sharpening his claws, lunging at things, and growling. Here you can see a little bit of that inner tiger coming out as Jadon poses for this picture with Brecken.

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