Monday, September 29, 2008


Probably like many of you, we have bins of camping gear in the basement that comes out once every summer or two. Well, I'm happy to say we dusted off our gear and made it happen this season. Brian and I went with the kids and our friends, Sarah, Greg, Julie, Jeff, and Charity, to Palisades State Park this past weekend. I was nervous, but the kids slept great and, for the most part, behaved really well. We're so thankful that our friends who don't have kids yet still want to hang out with us. We had fun hiking, playing games, cooking over the fire, having a group devotion, and just catching up on each other's lives. Jadon and I had fun playing "chase the football". We also went on a nature hunt for something God created. Greg found a white fuzzy caterpillar and helped us make a home for it in a jar. Jadon held it in his lap the whole way home. (Mr. Fuzzy only got dropped once.) Well today after lunch we noticed him forming a cocoon. Even though we all know that this is what caterpillars do, Brian and I were shocked and amazed. Anyway, the fun of our camping trip is lingering on as we watch the metamorphosis of Mr. Fuzzy.

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