Friday, July 30, 2010

Bix Weekend

Sarah, Greg, and Jeff joined me in the Bix7 this year. The rain kept us cool and we all had a good run. I was a minute slower than last year, 1:02, so now I'm determined that next year I'll do it in under an hour...mark my words! Afterwards we had lunch and then went boating with Brian and Keith. The river was stirred up and full of debris from a broken dam upriver and earlier storms, so we could only chug along. It was actually very relaxing and we had good conversations. Then we toured the college Sarah and I went to, Augie. We finished up our day with dinner at the Blue Cat Brew Pub, a favorite college hangout, and then enjoyed a beautiful sunset. Wow, I can't believe we did all that in 1 day!

We all missed Charity, but Jeff missed her the most. He had to share the romantic sunset with her over the phone.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures of you all with the sunset behind you!

Lori said...

I agree with Anita, those sunset pictures are keepers!