Sunday, February 7, 2010

B-rry Scurry

I haven't blogged in a while, but things here are going well. Last weekend I went skiing with Jeff, Charity, Sarah, Greg, Julie, and Marianne. It was so fun and I got the itch to do more, so Brian and I are going up to Chestnut in a couple weekends for a ski date. Brian has been doing a little preaching lately, filling in for pastors at different churches. He also got out of the freezer at WalMart and is now working on the dry side. He's enjoying the change. The kids have been doing well. Leah's new thing is rambling on and on when she talks. Her 2nd birthday is just a few weeks away. I have been enjoying the winter track program this year. I ran a race with a bunch of my running club friends yesterday, the B-rry Scurry. It was a 4 mile race and I ran it in 32:14. I was happy with that. Several of my friends placed in their age group and took home metals. With some shopping before the race and the post race party, it was a really fun day.

Brenda, Anita, and I rode together and hung out all day. Here we are right before the race with the B-rry Scurry mascots.

Anita is a rising star in our running club. She was the 4th female overall in this race and 1st in her age group.

Cheryl and Nicole came in 2nd and 3rd in their age group. Good work ladies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out, Abby!! It was such a fun day!