Thursday, December 10, 2009

Chicago at Christmastime

This past weekend Brian and I went downtown while my parents watched the kids. On Saturday, we shopped, went to Christkindel Market, had dinner at the Italian Village, and went to Moody's Candlelight Carols. After the performance we went back to our hotel and hung out in the chocolate lounge. On Sunday we shopped some more and then headed down to Chinatown for Dim Sum. We took in the sights and sounds of the city at Christmastime and enjoyed some time together without the kids. Thanks Mom and Dad for making it possible!

Christkindel Market was crowded, but the hot spiced wine made it very enjoyable!

We stayed at the beautiful Palmer House.

Here are some of the tasty creations we enjoyed at the chocolate lounge.

Brian at the Chinatown Mall.

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